Terms and Conditions
All data in this site is protected under security measures. Misuse or change of the information provided is also legally protected.
Design Rights and Copyrights constitute exclusive property of Stelios Karantonas Ltd. The afore-mentioned content constitutes intellectual property of Stelios Karantonas Ltd and any reproduction or use of it will be prosecuted and may lead to legal penalties.
Prices are stated in British Pounds Sterling GBP. Stelios Karantonas Ltd reserves the right to alter prices at any time in relation to price fluctuations in gold and material costs. Customers are to be immediately informed of possible changes in price and can reconsider their order in that case.
In case of purchasing outside the U.K it is advisable to contact local customs authority prior purchase regarding currency exchange rates and credit card charges that may differentiate the total amount charged on the credit card. Tax costs or import duties are to be invoiced directly from FedEx.
Your utter satisfaction with your special piece of Stelios Karantonas jewellry is our top priority. It would be advisable, however, to point out that Stelios Karantonas is a solo jewel maker who designs and handcrafts a piece of jewelry from scratch to suit each customer’s taste, needs and, of course size. The pieces, therefore, are unique and exclusively tailor-made and their making requires long hours to perfectly meet each customer’s demands. Thus, we hope you understand that a refund policy cannot be offered for either shop or bespoke items. Nevertheless, we would be more than glad to help you with any concerns or advice since our wish is to keep our customers happy and endeavour to rectify any problems. For that reason do not hesitate to contact us.
Any kind of feedback from customers that will help us become better is always welcome. Please contact us by phone on 0044 (0)7475282971 or via e-mail at sk@steliosk.co.uk
By following the links at the bottom of the newsletters received, customers are able to update subscription or unsubscribe if preferable.